
outputting.dictKeyGen(store, maxListLen=None, returnList=False, abridge=False)[source]

Identifies the columns necessary to convert a dictionary into a table

  • store (dict) – The dictionary to be broken down into keys
  • maxListLen (int or float with no decimal places or None, optional) – The length of the longest expected list. Only useful if returnList is True. Default None
  • returnList (bool, optional) – Defines if the lists will be broken into 1D lists or values. Default False, lists will be broken into values
  • abridge (bool, optional) – Defines if the final dataset will be a summary or the whole lot. If it is a summary, lists of more than 10 elements are removed. Default False, not abridged

  • keySet (OrderedDict with values of OrderedDict, list or None) – The dictionary of keys to be extracted
  • maxListLen (int or float with no decimal places or None, optional) – If returnList is True this should be the length of the longest list. If returnList is False this should return its original value


>>> store = {'string': 'string'}
>>> dictKeyGen(store)
(OrderedDict([('string', None)]), 1)
>>> store = {'num': 23.6}
>>> dictKeyGen(store)
(OrderedDict([('num', None)]), 1)
>>> store = {'array': np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12]])}
>>> dictKeyGen(store, returnList=True, abridge=True)
(OrderedDict([(u'array', array([[0],
       [1]]))]), 6L)
>>> store = {'dict': {1: "a", 2: "b"}}
>>> dictKeyGen(store, maxListLen=7, returnList=True, abridge=True)
(OrderedDict([('dict', OrderedDict([(1, None), (2, None)]))]), 7)