
dataFitting.record_fitting(fitting_data, label, participant, participant_model_variables, participant_fits, file_name_generator, save_fitting_progress=False)[source]

Records formatted versions of the fitting data

  • fitting_data (dict, optional) – Dictionary of details of the different fits, including an ordered dictionary containing the parameter values tested, in the order they were tested, and a list of the fit qualities of these parameters.
  • label (basestring) – The label used to identify the fit in the file names
  • participant (dict) – The participant data
  • participant_model_variables (dict of string) – A dictionary of model settings whose values should vary from participant to participant based on the values found in the imported participant data files. The key is the label given in the participant data file, as a string, and the value is the associated label in the model, also as a string.
  • participant_fits (defaultdict of lists) – A dictionary to be filled with the summary of the participant fits
  • file_name_generator (function) – Creates a new file with the name <handle> and the extension <extension>. It takes two string parameters: (handle, extension) and returns one fileName string
  • save_fitting_progress (bool, optional) – Specifies if the results from each iteration of the fitting process should be returned. Default False

participant_fits – A dictionary to be filled with the summary of the previous and current participant fits

Return type:

defaultdict of lists