Source code for fitAlgs.leastsq

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Author: Dominic Hunt
import logging

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp

import itertools

from fitAlgs.fitAlg import FitAlg

[docs]class Leastsq(FitAlg): """ Fits data based on the least squared optimizer scipy.optimize.least_squares Not properly developed and will not be documented until upgrade Parameters ---------- fit_sim : fitAlgs.fitSims.FitSim instance, optional An instance of one of the fitting simulation methods. Default ``fitAlgs.fitSims.FitSim`` fit_measure : string, optional The name of the function used to calculate the quality of the fit. The value it returns provides the fitter with its fitting guide. Default ``-loge`` fit_measure_args : dict, optional The parameters used to initialise fit_measure and extra_fit_measures. Default ``None`` extra_fit_measures : list of strings, optional List of fit measures not used to fit the model, but to provide more information. Any arguments needed for these measures should be placed in fit_measure_args. Default ``None`` bounds : dictionary of tuples of length two with floats, optional The boundaries for methods that use bounds. If unbounded methods are specified then the bounds will be ignored. Default is ``None``, which translates to boundaries of (0, np.inf) for each parameter. boundary_excess_cost : str or callable returning a function, optional The function is used to calculate the penalty for exceeding the boundaries. Default is ``boundFunc.scalarBound()`` boundary_excess_cost_properties : dict, optional The parameters for the boundary_excess_cost function. Default {} method : {‘trf’, ‘dogbox’, ‘lm’}, optional Algorithm to perform minimization. Default ``dogbox`` Attributes ---------- Name : string The name of the fitting method See Also -------- fitAlgs.fitAlg.fitAlg : The general fitting method class, from which this one inherits fitAlgs.fitSims.fitSim : The general fitting class scipy.optimize.least_squares : The fitting class this wraps around """ def __init__(self, method="dogbox", jacobian_method='3-point', **kwargs): super(Leastsq, self).__init__(**kwargs) self.method = method self.jacobian_method = jacobian_method self.fit_info['method'] = self.method self.fit_info['jacobian_method'] = self.jacobian_method
[docs] def fit(self, simulator, model_parameter_names, model_initial_parameters): """ Runs the model through the fitting algorithms and starting parameters and returns the best one. Parameters ---------- simulator : function The function used by a fitting algorithm to generate a fit for given model parameters. One example is model_parameter_names : list of strings The list of initial parameter names model_initial_parameters : list of floats The list of the initial parameters Returns ------- fitParams : list of floats The best fitting parameters fit_quality : float The quality of the fit as defined by the quality function chosen. testedParams : tuple of two lists The two lists are a list containing the parameter values tested, in the order they were tested, and the fit qualities of these parameters. See Also -------- """ self.simulator = simulator self.tested_parameters = [] self.tested_parameter_qualities = [] bounds = [i for i in zip(*self.boundary_values)] optimizeResult = sp.optimize.least_squares(, model_initial_parameters[:], method=self.method, jac=self.jacobian_method, bounds=bounds) if optimizeResult.success is False and optimizeResult.status == -1: best_fit_parameters = model_initial_parameters fit_quality = float("inf") else: best_fit_parameters = optimizeResult.x fit_quality = if optimizeResult.status == 0: message = "Maximum number of fitting evaluations has been exceeded. " \ "Returning the best results found so far: " message += "Params " + str(best_fit_parameters) message += " Fit quality " + str(fit_quality) fitDetails = dict(optimizeResult) fitDetails['bestParams'] = np.array(self.iterbestParams).T fitDetails['convergence'] = self.iterConvergence return best_fit_parameters, fit_quality, (self.tested_parameters, self.tested_parameter_qualities, fitDetails)