Source code for fitAlgs.fitAlg

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
:Author: Dominic Hunt
import logging
import math
import collections
import itertools

import numpy as np
import scipy as sp
#import numdifftools as nd

from fitAlgs.fitSims import FitSim
from fitAlgs import qualityFunc
from fitAlgs import boundFunc

import utils

[docs]class FitAlg(object): """ The abstract class for fitting data Parameters ---------- fit_sim : fitAlgs.fitSims.FitSim instance, optional An instance of one of the fitting simulation methods. Default ``fitAlgs.fitSims.FitSim`` fit_measure : string, optional The name of the function used to calculate the quality of the fit. The value it returns provides the fitter with its fitting guide. Default ``-loge`` fit_measure_args : dict, optional The parameters used to initialise fit_measure and extra_fit_measures. Default ``None`` extra_fit_measures : list of strings, optional List of fit measures not used to fit the model, but to provide more information. Any arguments needed for these measures should be placed in fit_measure_args. Default ``None`` bounds : dictionary of tuples of length two with floats, optional The boundaries for methods that use bounds. If unbounded methods are specified then the bounds will be ignored. Default is ``None``, which translates to boundaries of (0, np.inf) for each parameter. boundary_excess_cost : str or callable returning a function, optional The function is used to calculate the penalty for exceeding the boundaries. Default is ``boundFunc.scalarBound()`` boundary_excess_cost_properties : dict, optional The parameters for the boundary_excess_cost function. Default {} calculate_covariance : bool, optional Is the covariance calculated. Default ``False`` Attributes ---------- Name : string The name of the fitting method See Also -------- fitAlgs.fitSims.fitSim : The general fitting class """ def __init__(self, fit_sim=None, fit_measure='-loge', fit_measure_args=None, extra_fit_measures=None, bounds=None, boundary_excess_cost=None, boundary_excess_cost_properties=None, bound_ratio=0.000001, calculate_covariance=False, **kwargs): if fit_sim is None: self.fit_sim = FitSim() elif isinstance(fit_sim, FitSim): self.fit_sim = fit_sim else: raise NameError("fitSim type is incorrect: {}".format(type(fit_sim))) if bounds is None: raise NameError("Please specify bounds for your parameters") else: self.boundaries = bounds if fit_measure_args is None: fit_measure_args = {} if extra_fit_measures is None: extra_fit_measures = [] self.Name = self.find_name() if callable(boundary_excess_cost): if boundary_excess_cost_properties is not None: boundary_excess_cost_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in boundary_excess_cost_properties} else: boundary_excess_cost_kwargs = kwargs.copy() self.boundary_excess_cost = boundary_excess_cost(**boundary_excess_cost_kwargs) elif isinstance(boundary_excess_cost, str): boundary_excess_cost_function = utils.find_function(boundary_excess_cost, 'fitAlgs', excluded_files=['fit']) boundary_excess_cost_kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.items() if k in utils.get_function_args(boundary_excess_cost_function)} self.boundary_excess_cost = boundary_excess_cost_function(**boundary_excess_cost_kwargs) else: self.boundary_excess_cost = boundFunc.scalarBound() self.fit_quality_function = qualityFunc.qualFuncIdent(fit_measure, **fit_measure_args.copy()) self.calculate_covariance = calculate_covariance if self.calculate_covariance: self.hessInc = {k: bound_ratio * (u - l) for k, (l, u) in self.boundaries.items()} self.measures = {m: qualityFunc.qualFuncIdent(m, **fit_measure_args.copy()) for m in extra_fit_measures} self.fit_info = {'Name': self.Name, 'fit_measure_function': fit_measure, 'fit_measure_arguments': fit_measure_args, 'boundary_cost_function': utils.callableDetailsString(boundary_excess_cost), 'bounds': self.boundaries, 'extra_fit_measures': extra_fit_measures, 'calculate_covariance': calculate_covariance, 'bound_ratio': bound_ratio, 'FitSim':} self.boundary_values = None self.boundary_names = None self.tested_parameters = [] self.tested_parameter_qualities = [] self.logger = logging.getLogger(self.Name) def __repr__(self): return repr(
[docs] def find_name(self): """ Returns the name of the class """ return self.__class__.__name__
[docs] def participant(self, model, model_parameters, model_properties, participant_data): """ Fit participant data to a model for a given task Parameters ---------- model : model.modelTemplate.Model inherited class The model you wish to try and fit values to model_parameters : dict The model initial parameters model_properties : dict The model static properties participant_data : dict The participant data Returns ------- model : model.modelTemplate.Model inherited class instance The model with the best fit parameters fit_quality : float Specifies the fit quality for this participant to the model fitting_data : tuple of OrderedDict and list They are an ordered dictionary containing the parameter values tested, in the order they were tested, and the fit qualities of these parameters. """ sim = self.fit_sim.prepare_sim(model, model_parameters, model_properties, participant_data) model_initial_parameters = list(model_parameters.values()) model_parameter_names = list(model_parameters.keys()) best_fit_parameters, fit_quality, fit_info =, model_parameter_names, model_initial_parameters[:]) model_run = self.fit_sim.fitted_model(*best_fit_parameters) fit_measures = self.extra_measures(*best_fit_parameters) testedParamDict = collections.OrderedDict([(key, val[0]) for key, val in zip(model_parameter_names, np.array(fit_info[0]).T)]) fitting_data = {"tested_parameters": testedParamDict, "fit_qualities": fit_info[1], "fit_quality": fit_quality, "final_parameters": collections.OrderedDict([(key, val) for key, val in zip(model_parameter_names, best_fit_parameters)])} fitting_data.update({"fit_quality_" + k: v for k, v in fit_measures.items()}) if self.calculate_covariance: covariance = self.covariance(model_parameter_names, best_fit_parameters, fit_info[2]) covdict = ({"fit_quality_cov_{}_{}".format(p1, p2): c for p1, cr in zip(model_parameter_names, covariance) for p2, c in zip(model_parameter_names, cr)}) fitting_data.update(covdict) try: fitting_data.update(fit_info[2]) finally: return model_run, fit_quality, fitting_data
[docs] def fit(self, simulator, model_parameter_names, model_initial_parameters): """ Runs the model through the fitting algorithms and starting parameters and returns the best one. This is the abstract version that always returns ``(0,0)`` Parameters ---------- simulator : function The function used by a fitting algorithm to generate a fit for given model parameters. One example is ```` model_parameter_names : list of strings The list of initial parameter names model_initial_parameters : list of floats The list of the initial parameters Returns ------- best_fit_parameters : list of floats The best fitting parameters fit_quality : float The quality of the fit as defined by the quality function chosen. tested_parameters : tuple of two lists The two lists are a list containing the parameter values tested, in the order they were tested, and the fit qualities of these parameters. See Also -------- """ # TODO : consider passing model_parameter_names and model_initial_parameters as one parameter self.simulator = simulator self.tested_parameters = [] self.tested_parameter_qualities = [] best_fit_parameters = 0 fit_quality = np.inf return best_fit_parameters, fit_quality, (self.tested_parameters, self.tested_parameter_qualities)
[docs] def fitness(self, *params): """ Generates a fit quality value used by the fitting function. This is the function passed to the fitting function. Parameters ---------- *params : array of floats The parameters proposed by the fitting algorithm Returns ------- fit_quality : float The fit quality value calculated using the fitQualFunc function See Also -------- fitAlgs.qualityFunc : the module of fitQualFunc functions fitAlg.invalidParams : Checks if the parameters are valid and if not returns ``inf`` : Runs the model simulation and returns the values used to calculate the fit quality """ # This is because the fitting functions return an array and we want a list pms = list(*params) # Start by checking that the parameters are valid if self.invalid_parameters(*pms): pseudo_fit_quality = self.boundary_excess_cost(pms, self.boundary_values, self.fit_quality_function) return pseudo_fit_quality # Run the simulation with these parameters modVals = self.simulator(*pms) fit_quality = self.fit_quality_function(modVals) self.tested_parameters.append(pms) self.tested_parameter_qualities.append(fit_quality) return fit_quality
[docs] def extra_measures(self, *model_parameter_values): """ Parameters ---------- *model_parameter_values : array of floats The parameters proposed by the fitting algorithm Returns ------- fit_quality : dict of float The fit quality value calculated using the fit quality functions described in extraMeasures """ modVals = self.simulator(*model_parameter_values) measureVals = {} for m, f in self.measures.items(): fit_quality = f(modVals) measureVals[m] = fit_quality return measureVals
[docs] def covariance(self, model_parameter_names, paramvals, fitinfo): """ The covariance at a point Parameters ---------- paramvals : array or list The parameters at which the fitinfo : dict The Returns ------- covariance : float The covariance at the point paramvals """ if 'hess_inv' in fitinfo: cov = fitinfo['hess_inv'] elif 'hess' in fitinfo: hess = fitinfo['hess'] cov = np.linalg.inv(hess) #elif 'jac' in fitinfo: # jac = fitinfo['jac'] # cov = covariance(jac) else: inc = [self.hessInc[p] for p in model_parameter_names] # TODO : Check if this is correct or replace it with other methods jac = np.expand_dims(sp.optimise.approx_fprime(paramvals,, inc), axis=0) #cov = covariance(jac) cov = np.linalg.inv(, jac)) return cov
[docs] def info(self): """ The information relating to the fitting method used Includes information on the fitting algorithm used Returns ------- info : (dict,dict) The fitSims info and the fitAlgs.fitAlg info See Also -------- """ return self.fit_info
[docs] def set_bounds(self, model_parameter_names): """ Checks if the bounds have changed Parameters ---------- model_parameter_names : list of strings An ordered list of the names of the parameters to be fitted Examples -------- >>> a = FitAlg(bounds={1: (0, 5), 2: (0, 2), 3: (-1, 1)}) >>> a.boundaries {1: (0, 5), 2: (0, 2), 3: (-1, 1)} >>> a.set_bounds([]) >>> a.boundaries {1: (0, 5), 2: (0, 2), 3: (-1, 1)} >>> a.boundary_names [] >>> a.set_bounds([3,1]) >>> a.boundary_values [(-1, 1), (0, 5)] >>> a.set_bounds([2,1]) >>> a.boundary_values [(0, 2), (0, 5)] """ bounds = self.boundaries boundNames = self.boundary_names boundVals = self.boundary_values # Check if the bounds have changed or should be added if boundNames: changed = False for m, b in zip(model_parameter_names, boundNames): if m != b: changed = True break else: changed = True # If they have not, then we can leave if not changed: if len(model_parameter_names) == len(boundNames): return # If no bounds were defined if not bounds: boundVals = [(0, float('Inf')) for i in model_parameter_names] self.boundaries = {k: v for k, v in zip(model_parameter_names, boundVals)} self.boundary_names = model_parameter_names self.boundary_values = boundVals else: self.boundary_values = [bounds[k] for k in model_parameter_names] self.boundary_names = model_parameter_names return
[docs] @classmethod def startParams(cls, initial_parameters, bounds=None, number_starting_points=3): """ Defines a list of different starting parameters to run the minimization over Parameters ---------- initial_parameters : list of floats The initial starting values proposed bounds : list of tuples of length two with floats, optional The boundaries for methods that use bounds. If unbounded methods are specified then the bounds will be ignored. Default is ``None``, which translates to boundaries of (0,float('Inf')) for each parameter. number_starting_points : int The number of starting parameter values to be calculated around each initial point Returns ------- startParamSet : list of list of floats The generated starting parameter combinations See Also -------- FitAlg.start_parameter_values : Used in this function Examples -------- >>> FitAlg.startParams([0.5,0.5], number_starting_points=2) array([[0.33333333, 0.33333333], [0.66666667, 0.33333333], [0.33333333, 0.66666667], [0.66666667, 0.66666667]]) """ if bounds is None: # We only have the values passed in as the starting parameters startLists = (cls.start_parameter_values(i, number_starting_points=number_starting_points) for i in initial_parameters) else: if len(bounds) != len(initial_parameters): raise ValueError('Bounds do not fit the number of initial parameters', str(len(bounds)), str(len(initial_parameters))) startLists = (cls.start_parameter_values(i, boundary_min=bMin, boundary_max=bMax, number_starting_points=number_starting_points) for i, (bMin, bMax) in zip(initial_parameters, bounds)) startSets = utils.listMergeNP(*startLists) return startSets
[docs] @staticmethod def start_parameter_values(initial, boundary_min=float('-Inf'), boundary_max=float('Inf'), number_starting_points=3): """ Provides a set of starting points Parameters ---------- initial : float The initial starting value proposed boundary_min : float, optional The minimum value of the parameter. Default is ``float('-Inf')`` boundary_max : float, optional The maximum value of the parameter. Default is ``float('Inf')`` number_starting_points : int The number of starting parameter values to be calculated around the inital point Returns ------- startParams : list of floats The generated starting parameters Notes ----- For each starting parameter provided a set of numStartPoints starting points will be chosen, surrounding the starting point provided. If the starting point provided is less than one but greater than zero it will be assumed that the values cannot leave those bounds, otherwise, unless otherwise told, it will be assumed that they can take any positive value and will be chosen to be eavenly spaced around the provided value. Examples -------- >>> FitAlg.start_parameter_values(0.5) array([0.25, 0.5 , 0.75]) >>> FitAlg.start_parameter_values(5) array([2.5, 5. , 7.5]) >>> FitAlg.start_parameter_values(-5) array([2.5, 5. , 7.5]) >>> FitAlg.start_parameter_values(5, boundary_min = 0, boundary_max = 7) array([4., 5., 6.]) >>> FitAlg.start_parameter_values(5, boundary_min = -3, boundary_max = 30) array([1., 5., 9.]) >>> FitAlg.start_parameter_values(5, boundary_min = 0, boundary_max = 30) array([2.5, 5. , 7.5]) >>> FitAlg.start_parameter_values(5, boundary_min = 3, boundary_max = 30, number_starting_points = 7) array([3.5, 4. , 4.5, 5. , 5.5, 6. , 6.5]) """ # initialAbs = abs(initial) # The number of initial points per parameter divVal = (number_starting_points + 1) / 2 if boundary_max is None or math.isinf(boundary_max): # We can also assume any number smaller than one should stay # smaller than one. if initial < 1 and initial > 0: valMax = 1 else: valMax = float('inf') else: valMax = boundary_max if boundary_min is None or math.isinf(boundary_min): # We can also assume any number larger than one should stay # bigger than zero. if initial > 0: valMin = 0 initialAbs = initial valAbsMax = valMax else: # this should never happen, but regardless valMin = 0 initialAbs = abs(initial) valAbsMax = abs(valMax) + initialAbs else: valMin = boundary_min initialAbs = initial - valMin valAbsMax = valMax - valMin # Now that the bounds have been set we have shifted the space to # calculate the points in the space and then shift them back. # We can assume that any initial parameter proposed has the # correct order of magnitude. vMin = initialAbs / divVal if number_starting_points*vMin > valAbsMax: inc = (valAbsMax - initialAbs) / divVal vMin = valAbsMax - number_starting_points * inc vMax = valAbsMax - inc else: vMax = vMin * number_starting_points points = np.linspace(vMin, vMax, number_starting_points) + valMin return points
[docs] def invalid_parameters(self, *params): """ Identifies if the parameters passed are within the bounds provided If they are not returns ``inf`` Parameters ---------- params : list of floats Parameters to be passed to the sim Returns ------- validity : Bool If the parameters are valid or not Notes ----- No note Examples -------- >>> a = FitAlg(bounds={1:(0,5), 2:(0,2), 3:(-1,1)}) >>> a.set_bounds([3, 1]) >>> a.invalid_parameters(0, 0) False >>> a.invalid_parameters(2, 0) True >>> a.invalid_parameters(0, -1) True >>> a.invalid_parameters(6, 6) True """ for p, (mi, ma) in zip(params, self.boundary_values): if p < mi or p > ma: return True return False
[docs]def covariance(jac): """ Calculates the covariance based on the estimated jacobian Inspired by how this is calculated in scipy.optimise.curve_fit, as found at """ # Do Moore-Penrose inverse discarding zero singular values. U, s, VT = np.linalg.svd(jac, full_matrices=False) threshold = np.finfo(float).eps * max(jac.shape) * s[0] s = s[s > threshold] VT = VT[:s.size] cov = / s ** 2, VT) # Alternative method found, but assumes the residuals are small #cov = np.linalg.inv(, jac)) return cov